Thursday, October 14, 2010

October 14,2010

Well Mr.Freer explained it like...Just Sitting Outside When Its All Calm And Quite Just Piece full....Like Nobody's Around Or Anything...Just By Your self listening to The Bugs And Everything.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


The poem is kinda touching its telling people to not be afraid of stuff the picture is kinda weird well that's what i think. The poem is good it can be touching if people think about it for a while.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


The way i make my self feel better is i talk to my best friends and they tell me everything is ok and they make me laugh, Alora is my best friend and she always makes me laugh when I'm sad or mad. I'm not sad or mad very often only when bad things happen. I hate how i do something good and sometimes in turns into something bad sometimes i just don't understand that. I like being happy and laughing and joking around with my friends. I know that we're not always going to get along, but most of the time we do because there's no reason to fight and to make people sad or mad when they don't deserve it.